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Making a Bad Situation Worse: What Happens If You Flee Prosecution for a Domestic Violence Charge in Indiana?

When someone tries to avoid criminal prosecution by fleeing the state of Indiana, or even the United States, they take a poorly calculated risk. The fleeing defendant usually realizes that, if they’re caught, they will face additional charges for their flight. 

They’re exactly right—not to flee, but to assume that leaving the state (or country) and missing court dates will result in additional criminal charges. In many cases, though, those who try to elude Indiana’s justice system do not realize how much of a risk they are taking.

The Legal Cost of Fleeing Prosecution in Indiana Includes Prison and Fines

When you flee the state of Indiana in advance of an arraignment, trial, sentencing, or other proceeding related to a domestic violence charge, you may expose yourself to federal criminal penalties.

Title 18 § 1073 of the United States Code explains that someone who travels interstate with intent “to avoid prosecution, or custody or confinement after conviction” may face a prison term of up to five years. You may also face a substantial fine and a felony offense on your record.

You may face these charges in the Federal judicial district in Indiana, where your domestic violence charge arose from. The U.S. Code explains that these statutes apply to felony-level domestic violence offenses, but you can expect to face legal consequences for fleeing any criminal proceedings in Indiana.

It Is Wise to Stay in Indiana and Fight Your Criminal Charges with an Experienced Lawyer’s Help

Domestic violence charges are serious enough, as 20% of those convicted of domestic battery in Indiana go to prison, while another 63% face jail time. You may be able to avoid such serious consequences simply by defending yourself, especially if a capable attorney can prompt the dismissal of your charges or negotiate a favorable plea agreement.

However, if you flee Indiana in violation of a judge’s orders, you virtually ensure that you will suffer serious legal penalties (possibly including a prison sentence).

Whether you are considering fleeing prosecution or detainment, or have already fled Indiana, the next step should be hiring an experienced criminal defense lawyer. The goal is to mitigate legal consequences, whatever your current circumstances are.

Call Razumich & Associates Today to Get a Robust Criminal Defense

There is no need to flee when you retain the services of John Razumich and his team at Razumich & Associates. We confidently defend clients facing domestic violence charges of all kinds, ranging from misdemeanor to felony offenses.

Call Razumich & Associates today at 317-449-8661 or contact us online. A representative will explain how we plan to assist you. Our firm wants you to have peace of mind knowing that we may help you avoid serious legal consequences.

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